Gentle Upstart: November 2005

Gentle Upstart

Monday, November 28, 2005


The snow came in a long gentle sheet; roll in it; rub it in your face; throw a snowball; make a snowman with a carrot nose; thank God there are still winters; remember that Mum; up in the Snowy.


Despite all that information; all that knowledge; all those insights; we know no more than we did all those countless generations ago when man walked the plains of Africa.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Damn !?

Everyone believes in their own reality; Damn !?

The field

Ran straight across the field today instead of around and around and around

Fear No Gods

Fearing no Gods; they think themselves Gods; have become lost in a jungle of concrete and plastic and pixels; all the birds and the flowers and the green forest have been destroyed and they simply do not care.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


They seem to imply that he thinks too much; feels too much; remembers too much and wants to know everything about everything; way above his station; that it is only for philosophers and great men of substance; but he said nonsense and he thanked God for his countless neurons.

Barrow Boy

Walking by this guy; he proudly talked about the corporate mentality and the lowly barrow boy mentality; making sure it was heard.

What's the difference ?

The laughter stayed inside all day and comes back often.


The history we have been told is a flunk; its just geography and star position and random events


Tip for the day; do not become the stereotype that everyone wants you to be


The day was grey; cold; misty; the frost was on the ground even at noon; but inside it was still all warm


It seems that for one man to be free another has to be enslaved

Friday, November 11, 2005


Some can see, they feel, they know things that others do not; some can see, but they do not care, or feel and know very little but causing pain

Monday, November 07, 2005

What happened ?

What happened to all this idealism; it used to be socialism; humanism; a better world; now it is all just PSP and iPods and celebrity and Junk media and............ ;


This father and son thing; just want to say you are not forgotten in all this; for too long you were


It sounds like an excuse but (always but) it really does take a long time to untangle

Son and Father

As a son it was never understood what those flames did to you.


There are plenty of Robots out in Japan if needed